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Monday, September 30, 2024

How to Draft Women's Ganni Inspired Tie Front Peplum Top

Today we we will see how to draft the beautiful Ganni Inspired tie front peplum top.

This top has two parts: the bodice part and the peplum part. The bodice is drafted up to the waist, and the peplum part extends up to the hip line. However, you can decrease the length of this top by reducing the length of the peplum part.

The bodice part is open at the center front, and cloth ties are attached for fastening. The top can be worn as a sleeveless top, or different styles of sleeves can be attached. In this draft, I have shown how to draft a puffed sleeve that has fullness at the shoulders and at the hemline, which ends at the elbow.

Measurements Needed:

For Bodice:

1. Top length (for this draft it is the length from the neck up to the hip.)
2. Waist length (from neck to waist)
3. Scye depth
4. Front neck depth
5. Back neck depth
6. Bust round
7. Shoulder (from one shoulder edge point to the other shoulder edge point)
8. Neck width

For Peplum:

1. Waist to hip length (i.e., top' full length minus the bodice length)

For Sleeves:

1. Sleeve cap (from shoulder to biceps)
2. Biceps circumference
3. Sleeve length (here it is up to the elbow)
4. Elbow circumference

Pattern Draft:

Front and Back Bodices:

Front Bodice:

A-B = Waist length

Draw horizontal lines from A, C, and B.

A to C = Scye depth + 0.5 inch

A to D = Shoulder/2 + 0.25 inch

A to E = Neck width/2 + 0.5 inch (or bust round/12 + 0.25. You can change this according to how wider you want the neckline to be.)

Square down from D and E.

D to F = 1 inch

A to G = Front neck depth

Shape front neckline EG.

C to H = Bust round/4 + 1 inch ease (This is a loose-fitted top. So I have added a design ease of 1 inch here. You can change it as per your preference.) 

Mark point I on the squared down line from D where it meets the horizontal line CH.

I to J = inch

Mark K, which is midpoint of FJ.

K to L = 3/4 inch

Shape front bodice armhole FLJH.

Square down from H.

Mark point M where this squared down line meets the horizontal line from B. (CH is equal to BM)

M to N = 3/4 inch. 

As we have opening at the center front bodice, we need to cut two pieces for the front bodice, one for the left and one for the right.

Back Bodice:

Same as for the front bodice, except the neckline and armhole.

A to Q = Back neck depth (This measurement is lesser than the front neck depth for this top.)

Shape back bodice armhole FKH.

Back bodice is cut on fold.

Top's peplum part:

For the peplum part of the top, you will need a rectangular piece of fabric with width (i.e. height of the peplum) that is equal to your waist to hip measurement (you can decrease the height as per your preference) and length that is 1.5 or 2 times (according to where you want to have the seams and how much fullness you prefer) the bottom round measurement of your stitched bodice. We will create gathers on the top of this rectangular piece to make its length equal to the bottom round measurement of our stitched bodice and then sew them together on the wrong side.


Please check the below link to learn how to draft the puffed sleeve pattern that has fullness both at the shoulders and at the hemline.


Seam allowances:

Seam allowances are included in the pattern.

Top's bodice part:

1/2 inch for the neck line, armhole, and the center front

1 inch for the sides

Seam allowances for the peplum part of the top:

1/2 for the top of the rectangle
1/2 inch for the bottom hemline of the rectangle
1/2 inch on each of the width sides to attach the bias tape at the center front (if you want the peplum to be open at the center front.) (But you can keep the center front closed as well.)
if you want the peplum to be closed at the center front, leave a 1/2-inch seam allowance on each of the width sides and join at the center front.
If you want the seams to be on the sides, then cut the rectangular piece vertically into two pieces, add 1 inch seam allowances on all the four width sides. Join these two rectangular pieces together on both sides, gather them at the top, and pin it to the bottom round of the bodice, making sure you match the side seams of the bodice and peplum and sew them together on the wrong side.

Seam allowances for the sleeve:

1 inch for the sides
3/4 in for the hemline
1/2 inch for the sleeve cap curve

I have posted a free PDF sewing pattern for this top at this link. Click the link to download the pattern pages to make this beautiful top for you.

Click on the link Free Sewing Patterns Page at the top of this blog page (under the blog title) to find more free sewing patterns.

Click the links below to browse through all the pattern drafting and sewing tutorials on my blog.

Happy sewing!


Kids' Button-Down Sleeveless A-Line Top Free PDF Sewing Pattern for Sizes 1 Year to 12 Years

Today I would like to share with you a new free PDF sewing pattern---Kids' Button-Down Sleeveless A-Line Top for kids' sizes 1 Year to 12 Years which I created today.

The top is open at the center front where buttons can be added. This is a fully lined sleeveless top. Center front extends 3/4 inch on both sides to accommodate the buttons and buttonholes. You can embellish the center front with laces as well (as in the picture), if you prefer to add a creative touch to the top.

Seam Allowances:

Seam allowances are included in the pattern.

3/8 inch for the shoulders, armholes, center front, and the  neckline.

3/8 inch for the sides and the hemline.

Download Link:

Here is the download link:

Kids' Button-Down Sleeveless A-Line Top Free PDF Sewing Pattern for Sizes 1 Year to 12 Years

How to Print and Assemble the PDF Pattern Pages:

Supplies Needed:

1. Fabric (main and lining)

2. Measuring tape

3. Matching thread

4. 1/2-inch-wide buttons

5. Sewing machine

6. Scissors

7. Sewing pins

8. Fabric marker or pencil

How to Sew:

1. Join the main fabric front and back pieces at the shoulders, with right sides together. Repeat this for the lining.

2. With right sides together, match the necklines, center front, and armholes of the lining and main pieces and sew. 

3. Join the sides of the top.

4. Finish the hemline by folding the main and lining each under by 3/8 inch. Sew over the folded edge.

5. Sew the buttons and buttonholes onto the center front extensions.

Click on the link Free Sewing Patterns Page at the top of this blog page (under the blog title) to find more free sewing patterns.

Click the links below to browse through all the pattern drafting and sewing tutorials on my blog.

Happy sewing!


Wednesday, September 25, 2024

How to Sew a Simple Top with Short Sleeves for 18-Inch Dolls Using the French Seams Method? (With Free PDF Printable Sewing Pattern)

Today's sewing tutorial is about "how to sew a simple top with short sleeves for 18-inch dolls using the French seams method."

French seam encloses the seam allowance on the inside of a garment, so the raw edge is hidden and not visible outside. We will learn how to do it in this tutorial. We will use the French seam for the shoulders, sleeve curves, and the side seams.

I have posted the free PDF printable sewing pattern for this top at the link below. I have increased the seam allowance by another 1/4 inch wherever we use the French seams.

The measurements of the doll I used are

Chest 11.5 inches
Waist 11 inches
Hip 11.75 inches

This pattern will fit most of the18-inch dolls like Our Generation dolls and American Girl© dolls.

Download link:

A Simple Top with Short Sleeves for 18-Inch Dolls Using French Seam Method

I have also posted a free PDF pattern and sewing tutorial for the 8-gore flared skirt in the picture at the below link:

8-Gore Flared Skirt Free PDF Pattern and Sewing Tutorial


Materials needed:

*This post contains affiliate links, which means I make a small commission at no extra cost to you. 

Sewing Supplies Needed:

1. Fabric

2. Printer paper

3. Sewing machine

4. Sewing machine thread

5. Scissors

6. Measuring tape

7. Fabric marker or pencil

8. Hook and loop strips or snap fasteners

9. Free printable PDF sewing pattern (pattern link is given below)

10. Sewing pins

How to Print and Assemble the PDF Pattern Pages:

There are two pattern pages to print. Go to the download link and print the PDF pattern pages. 

While printing, set the page size to 'Actual size.' Print Page 1 and measure the 1 inch x 1 inch test square to check whether the page has printed correctly. If not, check whether the page settings are proper. Then proceed to print.

Seam and Hem Allowances:

Seam and hem allowances are included in the pattern. As we will use the French seam for the shoulders, sleeve curves, and the side seams, I have increased the seam allowances from the usual 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch for these.

Front and back pieces:

1/4 inch for neckline

1/2 for the shoulders

1/2 inch for armhole 

1/2 in for the sides

3/4 is the hem allowance


1/2 inch for sleeve cap curve 

1/2 in for the sides

3/4 is the hem allowance

These are the printed pages of the pattern.

How to Sew?

1. Join the front and back shoulders.

We will be using the French seam method in this project to conceal all the raw edges. French seam is nothing but joining the seams on the wrong side first and then joining again on the right side. So we don't have to use a serger.

Let's start sewing.

With wrong sides of the front and back pieces facing, join them at the shoulders, with a seam allowance of 1/4 inch.

Turn it to the wrong side, and sew again (with 1/4 inch seam allowance)
 to conceal the raw edges.

 This is how the top looks on the right side.

2. Attach the sleeves.

Fold the sleeve hemline 1/4 inch down the wrong side.

Fold again by 1/2 inch down the wrong side and sew along the folded edge.

Now we will attach the sleeves. Make sure you pick the correct sleeve to match with the armhole of the top. Right with right and left with left.

Now, before attaching, to we need to gather the sleeve cap to attach the sleeve to the armhole.

Set the stitch length to the longest, and stitch a row of stitches along the edge of the sleeve cap. Gather the cap of the sleeve by gently pulling the threads. We are doing this to ease out the extra fabric on the sleeve cap to fit it into the top's armhole. In order to get the curve of the sleeve to fit into the armhole, it has to have a certain amount of ease.

With the wrong sides of the sleeve and top facing, pin the sleeve cap to the top's armhole and ease out the gathers, and then sew the sleeve and cap and armhole together, leaving a 1/4 inch seam allowance. Once done, pick out the long stiches used for gathering the sleeve cap. 

This is how it looks on the wrong side.

Sew again on the wrong side to conceal the raw edges (leaving a 1/8 inch seam allowance).

This is how it looks on the right side.

Let's try this on our doll.

It fits perfectly. Let's attach the other sleeve.

Right side of the top and sleeve.

Wrong side of the top and sleeve. No raw edges are to be seen.

3. Finish the neckline by attaching bias tape.

Take a 1 inch wide bias fabric with length a little more than the length of the neckline.

Fold both sides of the button extensions by 1/4 inch and then by 1/2 inch. Press well to keep the folds.

Pin the bias fabric to the neckline leaving half an inch trail of the bias fabric at both edges of the neckline. Make sure you have the button extension folded in by 1/4 inch. 

Sew the bias fabric to the neckline leaving a 1/4 inch seam allowance. Trim and clip the seam allowance for a nice and  smooth edge and to reduce bulk.

Fold the bias fabric's widthwise edge to the wrong side by 1/4 inch. 

Now fold the bias fabric lengthwise by half to the wrong side, and then fold again to bring it fully to the wrong side. Sew along the folded edge. I hemmed by hand for a nicer finish.

Now fold the button extension by 1/2 an inch to the wrong side using the fold that you pressed already and sew along the folded edge. 

4. Finish the sides using the same French seam method.

5. Finish the hemline.

And the top is ready!

Monday, September 23, 2024

Free PDF Sewing Pattern---Women's Tie Front Peplum Top for Bust Sizes 30 to 44 (Sizes XS to XXL) (Ganni inspired)

Here's another free PDF sewing pattern for women. This is a pattern for tie front gathered peplum top for women's bust sizes 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, and 44 (that is, sizes XS to XXL).

The sleeves are puff sleeves with fullness at the sleeve cap and at the hemline. Sleeve length is up to the elbow. 

*Please note: In the sleeve pattern in the PDF, the sleeve front is on your right side, and the sleeve back is on your left. 

This is the measurement chart I used to create this pattern. Please select your pattern size according to your bust size. 

Seam allowances:

Seam allowances are included in the pattern.

Top's bodice part:

1/2 inch for the neck line, armhole, and the center front

1 inch for the sides


1/2 inch for the sleeve cap

1 inch for the sides

3/4 inch at the hemline

Top's peplum part:

For the peplum part of the top, you will need a rectangular piece of fabric with width (i.e. height of the peplum) that is equal to your waist to hip measurement (you can decrease the height as per your preference) and length that is 1.5 or 2 times (according to where you want to have the seams and how much fullness you prefer) the bottom round measurement of your stitched bodice. You will create gathers on the top of this rectangular piece to make its length equal to the bottom round measurement of your stitched bodice and then sew them together on the wrong side.

Here's a diagram to help you with this:

Seam allowances for the peplum part of the top:

1/2 inch for the top of the rectangle
1/2 inch for the bottom hemline of the rectangle
1/2 inch on each of the width sides to attach the bias tape at the center front (if you want the peplum to be open at the center front.) (But you can keep the center front closed as well.)
if you want the peplum to be closed at the center front, leave a 1/2-inch seam allowance on each of the width sides (i.e., the shorter edges) and join at the center front.
If you want the seams to be on the sides, then cut the rectangular piece vertically into two pieces, add 1 inch seam allowances on all the four width sides (i.e., the shorter edges). Join these two rectangular pieces together on both sides, gather them at the top, and pin it to the bottom round of the bodice, making sure you match the side seams of the bodice and peplum and sew them together on the wrong side.

Download link:

How to Print and Assemble the PDF Pattern Pages:

Supplies Needed:

1. Fabric

2. Measuring tape

3. Matching thread

4. Elastic (1-inch wide; length = waist circumference minus 1 inch)

5. Sewing machine

6. Scissors

7. Safety pin

8. Sewing pins

9. Fabric marker or pencil

10. Serger (optional)

How to self-draft this pattern?

If you want to draft this pattern yourself for your body measurements, check out this link for the detailed drafting tutorial.

How to sew?

1. With right sides facing join the front and back bodices at the shoulders.

2. Attach the sleeves.

3. Join the sides.

4. Gather the peplum skirt and attach it to the bodice.

5. Join the sides of the sleeves and the bodice.

6. Sew the hemline of the sleeves.

7. Finish the neckline by attaching bias tape.

8. Finish the center front. Start pinning a long bias tape to both sides of the the center front. While pinning it, sandwich six fabric ties under the bias tape, three on each side and sew. Turn the bias tape to the wrong side and sew. 



Click on the link Free Sewing Patterns Page at the top of this blog page (under the blog title) to find more free sewing patterns.

Click the links below to browse through all the pattern drafting and sewing tutorials on my blog.

Happy sewing!


Sunday, September 22, 2024

Kids' Basic Dress with Gathered Skirt and Sailor Collar Free PDF Printable Sewing Pattern---Size 8 Years

Here's another free PDF printable sewing pattern for a basic dress with gathered skirt and sailor collar for size 8 years.

Pattern Assembly:

This is how you will assemble the pattern.

Pattern Download Link:

How to Print and Assemble the PDF Pattern Pages:

A detailed tutorial on how to sew and attach the sailor collar to the dress is provided at this link

I have posted lots of free PDF printable sewing patterns on this page on my blog. Browse through this page to find the patterns you are looking for. You can download and use them to make your own clothes.

You can also click the Free Sewing Patterns Page at the top of this blog page (under the blog title) to find more free sewing patterns.

Click the links below to browse through all the pattern drafting and sewing tutorials on my blog.

Happy sewing!


Housewarming Gifts