While making a pair of elastic waist pants for my younger daughter, I made a sewing pattern in a range of sizes from 1 year to 12 years and wanted to share it with you all.
You can sew these pants in just 30 minutes. It's that easy.
I have made the pattern to print on both A4 papers and A0 paper.
Download link for A4 size pattern pages:
Kids' pants free PDF sewing pattern---A4 size pattern pages
Download link for A0 size pattern page:
Kids' pants free PDF sewing pattern---A0 size pattern page

Size Chart:
This is the size chart I have used for making this pants sewing pattern:
Select the correct size according to the hip round measurement in the size chart. Measure your kids' height too. If your kid is taller for their age, add the required inches to the hemline to increase the length of the pants.
How to Print?
Print the pages on A4-size papers. Make sure you have set page sizing to "Actual size" before you print the pattern.
Do not select the "Custom scale" option or the "Choose paper size by PDF page size" option.
You can measure the 1 inch x 1 inch square in the pattern page to check whether the page has printed correctly.
Check this tutorial on how to print and assemble the PDF pattern pages.
Seam allowances:
1.5 inches at the waist to make the casing for the elastic.
1.25 inch for the bottom hem allowance.
0.5 inches for the side seams.
3/8 inch for the crotch seam and inside leg seam.
1. Fabric
2. Measuring tape
3. Matching thread
4. Elastic (3/4-inch wide; length = waist circumference minus 1 inch; you can go minus 2 inches if you want the pants to sit a bit more tighter on the waist)
5. Sewing machine
6. Scissors
7. Safety pin
8. Sewing pins
9. Fabric marker or pencil
10. Serger (optional)
This is the fabric I used.
After printing and assembling the pattern pages, trace the pants front and back patterns on a tracing paper, and use these traced patterns to cut the patterns out from fabric.
Pants front
Pants back
Now, as we have our patterns cut out from fabric, let's start sewing the pants.
How to sew?
1. Join the sides.
Serge the side, crotch, and leg edges of each pattern piece of the pants.
With right sides of the front and back fabric pieces facing, join the sides of the pants. ((I have shown the side seam lines with red dashed lines in the picture below.)
Open the seams and press them flat.
2. Sew the center seam (crotch seam).
With right sides facing, sew the center seam or crotch seam of the front together. Stop at the bottom of the crotch seam and leave the leg part open. (I have shown the crotch seam lines with red dashed lines in the picture below.) Repeat this step for the back as well.
3. Sew the leg seam (inseam).
Join the leg seam (shown with red dashed line in the image below).
Before joining the leg seams, open the crotch seams and press them flat. Keep the lower edge of the crotch seam to remain flat while you sew the leg seam.
4. Finish the hemline of the pants.
Fold the leg hemline half inch down the wrong side and press.
Then fold again 1 inch down the wrong side and press.
Sew along the folded edge.
Repeat the same steps for the other leg.
5. Finish the elastic waist.
Fold the waistline half inch to the wrong side and press.
Then fold again 1 inch and press. Sew along the lower edge of the fold to create the casing for the elastic.
Leave a gap of 2 inches in the casing at the center back to insert the elastic.
Take a 3/4-inch-wide elastic with length equal to the waist round of the body measurement minus 1 inch. I have marked this length on the elastic.
Pin a safety pin on one end of the elastic, and feed the elastic through the casing you just created.
Scrunch the casing to bring the elastic from the other side. When you back at the starting point, cut the elastic at the marking.
Match up the ends of the elastic, overlap the ends by about 1/2 inch, and sew them together using two or three rows of zigzag stitches.
While closing the casing, insert a piece of ribbon or a tag at the center back and sew the gap closed. as it will help identify the back of the pants.
And we are done!
A new pair of pants is ready now. You can easily make this!
Happy sewing!