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Saturday, August 26, 2023

Reversible Bolero Vest Free PDF Printable Sewing Pattern for 18-Inch Dolls

Today I have uploaded a free DF printable sewing pattern for the reversible bolero vest for 18-inch dolls.

The measurements of the doll I used are

Chest 11.5 inches
Waist 11 inches
Hip 11.75 inches

This pattern will fit 18-inch dolls such as the American Girl® Doll and Our Generation® Doll and dolls with similar body measurements.

Click here to download the pattern.

Seam allowances are included in the pattern, which is 0.25 inch all around.

This is a one-page pdf. 

Print the page on an A4 paper. Make sure you have set page sizing to "Actual size" before you print the pattern. 

You can measure the 1 inch x 1 inch square in the pattern page to check whether the page has printed correctly.

Click here to find the step-by-step sewing tutorial for making this vest.

I have posted lots of free PDF printable sewing patterns on this page on my blog. Browse through this page to find the patterns you are looking for. You can download and use them to make your own clothes.

You can also click the Free Sewing Patterns Page at the top of this blog page (under the blog title) to find more free sewing patterns.

Click the links below to browse through all the pattern drafting and sewing tutorials on my blog.

These links appear at the top of my blog on the navigation bar as well.

Happy sewing!  



glassyladyks said...

Thank you for the Bolero Vest pattern. Do you have instructions on how to sew it together? Thank you.

Flora said...

Hi glassyladyks,

I will post the sewing tutorial for the Bolero vest pattern soon.

Housewarming Gifts